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T&G Flooring

Warranty Statements and Technical Information

Techlam Standard Product Information (891.11 KB)
Techlam Standard Product Information Sheet
Techlam Glulam Beams & Posts Minor Variation Form (226.27 KB)
This form provides the necessary information to enable the substitution of a consented structural beam or post with a Techlam Glulam Beam (beam) or Techlam Glulam Post (post) as a minor variation.
Treatment & Prevention of Mould in Engineered Timber (33.49 KB)
This document provides info on preventing mould growth on techlam engineered timber, including tips to treat it effectively if needed.
Glulam Cheat Sheet (233.48 KB)
Glulam is a smart and innovative solution. Use this cheat sheet to answer any of your questions regarding glulaminated timber products, including how to use it and incorporate it into your designs.
Dimensional Tolerance Specifications (735.89 KB)
A guide to acceptable tolerances in dimension for Techlam Glulam posts and beams. Ensuring your products are top quality.
Coatings (33.41 KB)
We can apply a range of different coatings to protect and visually enhance our glulaminated timber. Take a look at some of the products we recommend for your project.
Techlam Company Profile (5.95 MB)
Our business has evolved over the past 32 years to meet the changing needs of architects and structural designers, but has retained the family values and integrity Techlam was built on.
Fabricated Joint Examples (1.71 MB)
Looking for inspiration? This simple download contains many helpful images showing possible solutions to structural (and visual) joints.
Techlam Glulam Specifications & Characteristics (702.29 KB)
This document provides an informative overview of the different grades and strengths of glulam, as well as useful information regarding it’s manufacture.
Checking & Cracking in Laminated Timber (474.44 KB)
Download this document for a detailed explanation of the different cracks and checking sometimes observed in structural laminated timber.
Techlam Product Installation Guide (1.17 MB)
Techlam provides this manual strictly as an installation guide only. If in doubt, we strongly recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice, or call our technical team on 0800 832 452.
Techlam Maintenance and Warranty Infomation (1.94 MB)
From the 1st January 2015 it is mandatory for builders to provide maintenance, guarantee and warranty information to homeowners for projects over $30,000. This download contains important maintenance and warranty information for Techlam Structural Products.

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