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Laminated Beams
Glulaminated Visual Appearance Grades
Glulaminated Non-Visual Grades
Premium Posts
Techlam Eziposts™
Structural Laminated Flooring
Glulam Portals
Curved Beams
Structural Laminated Posts
Curved and Straight Fascia
Rafter Beams
Laminated Round Poles
Curved Framing Plates
Glulam Bridges
Case Studies
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Te Awa Cycleway Truss Bridge
St Kentigern Early Learning Centre
Nga Waka Cellar Door
St Hildas Church
Rangiora High School’s Te Ao Mārama Whare
Murihiku Marae
New Zealand Artificial Limbs Society
Flock Hill Homestead
Higgins Offices, Palmerston North
Waimea College
Kakapo Creek Children’s Garden
Mintaro Hut
Tiny Voices Hobsonville
Hornby Club
Red Stag CLT Manufacturing Plant
Lomani Island Resort
Hutt Valley Health Hub
Te Rau Karamu Marae
New Shoots Whenuapai Childcare Centre
Aro Ha Wellness Retreat
CCCS Jubilee Church
CCCS Museum and Art Gallery
Chinese Methodist Church
EIT Student Amenities Atrium
Fiji Marriott Resort
Green School New Zealand
Gunyama Park, Aquatic and Recreation Centre
Hobsonville Wharf
Hodge Sports Centre
Kerikeri New Shoots Childcare Centre
Matakauri Lodge
Pak ‘n’ Save Covered Carpark
Plantation Island Resort
Waihinga Martinborough Community Centre
Wellington International Airport
Technical Downloads
Building Product Information Regulations
Advantages & Benefits of Glulam
How Techlam Glulam is Manufactured
Abbreviations and Glossary
Timber Design Guides
Design Software
Glulam Training Module
Our Company
Our Team
Partner with Techlam
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Laminated Beams
Glulaminated Visual Appearance Grades
Glulaminated Non-Visual Grades
Premium Posts
Techlam Eziposts™
Structural Laminated Flooring
Structural Laminated Posts
Curved and Straight Fascia
Rafter Beams
Laminated Round Poles
Curved Beams
Curved Framing Plates
Glulam Portals
Glulam Bridges
Case Studies
View all
Wellington International Airport
Fiji Marriott Resort
Aro Ha Wellness Retreat
Hodge Sports Centre
Pak ‘n’ Save Covered Carpark
CCCS Jubilee Church
Matakauri Lodge
Chinese Methodist Church
CCCS Museum and Art Gallery
EIT Student Amenities Atrium
Hobsonville Wharf
Technical Downloads
Building Product Information Regulations
Advantages & Benefits of Glulam
How Techlam Glulam is Manufactured
Abbreviations and Glossary
Timber Design Guides
Design Software
Glulam Training Module
Our Company
Our Team
Partner with Techlam
Contact Us
View all
Laminated Beams
Glulaminated Visual Appearance Grades
Glulaminated Non-Visual Grades
Premium Posts
Techlam Eziposts™
Structural Laminated Flooring
Structural Laminated Posts
Curved and Straight Fascia
Rafter Beams
Laminated Round Poles
Curved Beams
Curved Framing Plates
Glulam Portals
Glulam Bridges
Case Studies
View all
Wellington International Airport
Fiji Marriott Resort
Aro Ha Wellness Retreat
Hodge Sports Centre
Pak ‘n’ Save Covered Carpark
CCCS Jubilee Church
Matakauri Lodge
Chinese Methodist Church
CCCS Museum and Art Gallery
EIT Student Amenities Atrium
Hobsonville Wharf
Technical Downloads
Building Product Information Regulations
Advantages & Benefits of Glulam
How Techlam Glulam is Manufactured
Abbreviations and Glossary
Timber Design Guides
Design Software
Glulam Training Module
Our Company
Our Team
Partner with Techlam
Contact Us
Information at the click of your mouse
Download fact sheets, technical charts, CAD files, supplier statements and product specifications.
Techlam Glulam Declare Label 2024-25
(850.84 KB)
Techlam achieves Declare label transparency for a range of Glulam engineered timber products, showcasing Techlam's commitment to sustainable construction and material health. The Declare label provides a clear view of the product's ingredients, highlighting its Red List Free status and responsible sourcing.
Our Environmental Credentials
(5.07 MB)
Want to know your impact? take a look at our 'Nutrition Labels' and you can see what the benefits of Techlam Glulam are on the environment.
(5.07 MB)
This document covers off the sustainable properties of Techlam Glulam and the benefits it provides for the construction industry.
Environmental Product Declaration
(2.05 MB)
Environmental Product Declaration for Solid, Finger Jointed and Laminated Timber Products, including timber preservation options
Techlam Standard Product Information
(891.11 KB)
Techlam Standard Product Information Sheet
Techlam Standard Product Information
(891.11 KB)
Techlam Standard Product Information Sheet
T&G Flooring
Techlam Assurance
Techlam Sprucelam Products BPIR
(154.66 KB)
Techlam Ltd has provided this declaration to satisfy the provisions of Schedule 1(d) of the Building (Building Product Information Requirements) Regulations 2022.
Techlam Glulam Products BPIR
(154.79 KB)
Techlam Ltd has provided this declaration to satisfy the provisions of Schedule 1(d) of the Building (Building Product Information Requirements) Regulations 2022.
Techlam FSC® Certification SGS
(1.72 MB)
Chain of Custody certification issued by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council).
Bureau Veritas ‘S’ Mark Licence
(392.00 KB)
Download Techlam’s Bureau Veritas 'S' Mark Licences
Span Tables and Alternative Charts
Techlam Laminated T&G Flooring Span Tables
(3.95 MB)
Provide the engineered solutions specific for use and degree of allowable vibration.
Alternative Post & Beam Tables
(1.69 MB)
Techlam alternative charts for many common engineered and solid structural beams and posts. These charts enable quick and easy substitution of different beams with Techlam Products.
NZ Glulam Beam Span Tables
(6.90 MB)
Download a full copy of Our Techlam NZ Glulam Beam Span Tables
Techlam CAD/BIM Downloads
Techlam Beams in .rfa format
(270.60 KB)
Techlam Flooring in .rfa format
(578.52 KB)
Techlam Posts in .rfa format
(237.27 KB)
Techlam Profiles in .rfa format
(211.74 KB)
Warranty Statements and Technical Information
Techlam Standard Product Information
(891.11 KB)
Techlam Standard Product Information Sheet
Techlam Glulam Beams & Posts Minor Variation Form
(226.27 KB)
This form provides the necessary information to enable the substitution of a consented structural beam or post with a Techlam Glulam Beam (beam) or Techlam Glulam Post (post) as a minor variation.
Treatment & Prevention of Mould in Engineered Timber
(33.49 KB)
This document provides info on preventing mould growth on techlam engineered timber, including tips to treat it effectively if needed.
Glulam Cheat Sheet
(233.48 KB)
Glulam is a smart and innovative solution. Use this cheat sheet to answer any of your questions regarding glulaminated timber products, including how to use it and incorporate it into your designs.
Dimensional Tolerance Specifications
(735.89 KB)
A guide to acceptable tolerances in dimension for Techlam Glulam posts and beams. Ensuring your products are top quality.
(33.41 KB)
We can apply a range of different coatings to protect and visually enhance our glulaminated timber. Take a look at some of the products we recommend for your project.
Techlam Company Profile
(5.95 MB)
Our business has evolved over the past 32 years to meet the changing needs of architects and structural designers, but has retained the family values and integrity Techlam was built on.
Fabricated Joint Examples
(1.71 MB)
Looking for inspiration? This simple download contains many helpful images showing possible solutions to structural (and visual) joints.
Techlam Glulam Specifications & Characteristics
(702.29 KB)
This document provides an informative overview of the different grades and strengths of glulam, as well as useful information regarding it’s manufacture.
Checking & Cracking in Laminated Timber
(474.44 KB)
Download this document for a detailed explanation of the different cracks and checking sometimes observed in structural laminated timber.
Techlam Product Installation Guide
(1.17 MB)
Techlam provides this manual strictly as an installation guide only. If in doubt, we strongly recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice, or call our technical team on 0800 832 452.
Techlam Maintenance and Warranty Infomation
(1.94 MB)
From the 1st January 2015 it is mandatory for builders to provide maintenance, guarantee and warranty information to homeowners for projects over $30,000. This download contains important maintenance and warranty information for Techlam Structural Products.
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